In Memoriam

Hello, my name is Gucci and I have been in a loving environment since Oct. 12, 1999. It was that day that I was sent to the Denver Dumb Friends League. I now live in spirit only. I was an old dog with a few years left in me. If it weren't for the new "man" in the woman's life I would still be living today. I wanted so much to live out the rest of my years, but humans made that choice for me. I provided a lot of love and companionship for my family and was there when times were rough for them. I loved them all unconditionally and without judgement. I got love, warmth, good food and shelter in return, Until recently… I died from lethal injection because I got on the new leather couch and the "man" got new carpet. I guess that his things were more important than my life.

 contact "the Man" and tell him how you feel!

send me your regrets and they may be posted..

 Contact the web-master


Please visit often to see my guest book.

If you have lost a companion and have written a page for it, contact the web master and lets exchange links!

contact "the man"| contact Gucci| contact the web-master


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